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The correct way to apply a wick sticker is to first clean the bottom of your jar with rubbing alcohol or windex, then apply the wick sticker. Once you apply the wick firmly push the wick assembly onto the wick sticker. We like using a metal straw. Wick stickers will work much better than hot glue. Hot glue can come lose if your customer burns the candle down (and we know most customers do this) note : if you pour your wax too hot it can cause the wick sticker to come lose. Make sure you are using an old fashioned candy thermometer to take your wax temperature. Using an Infrared thermometer is only giving you the temperature on the top of your wax. Palm waxes are poured at a higher temperature so pay attention when using these.
RTV gasket sealer is another adhesive some candle makers use. We do not recommend this because of the cure time and many customers like to reuse their vessels and this sealant will not come lose from the vessel. We consider it overkill but it will hold your wicks firmly.
You won’t find this quality on amazon. Your wicks will not come unglued with this wick sticker. We like the low profile on these better then thicker dots. These are about half as thick as other wick stickers.