TW-30 tart wax. All natural tw30 tart wax. Holds 18% fragrance. Increase hot throw 37 percent. Highest fragrance load wax available - Sunshine Candle Supply

TW-30 tart wax. All natural tw30 tart wax. Holds 18% fragrance. Increase hot throw 37 percent. Highest fragrance load wax available


We are looking for a few people to test this new wax and leave an honest review. We feel it is the bast tart wax we have ever tested. We...

We are looking for a few people to test this new wax and leave an honest review. We feel it is the bast tart wax we have ever tested. We are offering 50% off on a case price for anyone interested please message us

Note: if using this for container candles or molds do not exceed 8% fragrance load. This can also be added to any wax to harden and increase hot throw. We recommend adding 10% TW 30.

Only wax on the market designed specially for wax melts. Will hold up to 18% fragrance oil. This will increase your hot throw by up to 37%. This is a very hard/ brittle wax and may arrive in pieces which will not affect the quality.

Melt point 130-135 F
Pour temperature 155-160F

Only tart was that contains NO paraffin

TW #30 is an all-natural soy tart wax made specifically for wax burners and melts. TW #30 is one of the hardest waxes in consistency making it ideal for tart molds and other molds. It can also hold up to 18% fragrance loads! This gives your wax melts an extra 33% boost in performance and life in comparison to other waxes used for tart making.
Be sure to cover your work area to protect from spills. It is much easier to have your containers ready before you begin to melt your wax. Now that you have your containers or clamshells ready and laid out for pouring you are ready to begin the tart wax melt making process!
Step 1: Measure out the wax
Weigh out the amount of wax required into your melting pitcher. Our stock six cube clamshells hold 72 grams each.
Step 2: Melt the wax
You may melt the wax on a gas stove or electric burner on low heat (Be cautious of overheating). The wax just needs to be heated enough to get the all the contents liquid. This should happen at around 170-180F. Keep the temperature below 200F.
*Note: Check the temperature of the wax occasionally to make certain it is not getting too hot; adjust temperature as needed. While the wax is melting you can continue with the next steps, but make sure that the wax is never left unattended.
Step 3: Measure & Add Dye
Once the wax is melted, add the desired amount of color and stir the mixture until it is blended thoroughly.
Step 4: Measure & Add Fragrance Oil
Now that your wax is all liquid and at anywhere from 150-180F you are ready to add the fragrance oil. Candles commonly have 1 to 1.5 ounces of fragrance per pound of wax. This is not candle wax. TW #30 is designed to hold large amounts of fragrance (Up To 18% or 3 ounces per pound!) This is achievable thanks to a few conditions. Firstly the wax is extremely great at absorbing oil and maintaining its consistency (Its fortified consistency maintains the hardness of the wax to allow for easy breaking and removal from clamshells or molds). Secondly we are not using a wick set up with an open flame because these are designed to be melted from an external heat source. Your advantage is that your wax melts can be 33% stronger and last 33% longer in comparison to other wax melts.
Step 5: Mix & Pour
Once all contents are added and everything is liquid mix carefully and thoroughly.
Allow the contents to cool down to 160°F or less, especially if you are pouring into plastic molds. Hotter wax may form holes in your plastic molds and create less than savory messes or it may melt the mold giving the tart melt a less than professional appearance.

Carefully and slowly pour the wax into your containers.
*Note: If you pour too quickly, the wax could splash up on the side of the container or form small air bubbles on the top of the wax. The containers can now be left to completely cool. It is best if you move them as little as possible so the wax does not slosh up the sides of the container. Make sure there are no fans or air vents blowing directly on them since you do not want to accelerate the cooling process.
Step 6: Allow to cool
Allow the wax melt to cool completely. Keep in mind even when the wax looks solid it may still be liquid on the inside. It is best to cure at least overnight before enjoying. Longer cure times may result in stronger and longer lasting fragrance.
Step 7: Finishing Touches
Add a label for your own branding and presentation if you wish.
As with all products to be sold or given to friends and family it is always recommended to apply a caution label.
Congratulations! You have successfully made your container candles!
Tart Wax Candle Maker's Specifications
Add Fragrance at 150-180°F 8-18% Fragrance Load Pour Temp 160°F (max) or less 18% Max Fragrance Load
* Temperature and Fragrance Loads depicted for typical conditions
