New gb 454 - Golden brands 454 coconut soy, from the manufactures of 464 and 444


Natural Soy 454 Coconut/Soy Blend (Golden Wax. From AAK manufactures of gb 464 and 444. During our testing we did not see a significant difference in this wax and 464...

Natural Soy 454 Coconut/Soy Blend (Golden Wax. From AAK manufactures of gb 464 and 444. During our testing we did not see a significant difference in this wax and 464 to justify the increase in price.

Pouring Temperature: 160-180°F

Instructions for Use: Heat wax to 180°F. Add scent and color and pour between 155-180°F. We had very good results pouring at all temperatures but we had less bloom pouring at cooler temperatures.
